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1. p. 1 Jet A-1 Coking Tests under Conditions Simulating Gas Turbine Combustor
Dain Lee, Kangyeong Lee, Sunwoo Han, Kyubok Ahn, Gyong Won Ryu
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6108/KSPE.2022.26.1.001 |
4. p. 28 Burning Rate Estimate Method of Solid Propellants at High Pressure Condition
Hanyoung Choi, Dongsun Lee, Hong-Gye Sung, Wonmin Lee, Eunmi Kim
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6108/KSPE.2022.26.1.028 |
5. p. 38 Numerical Study on Sealing Effectiveness Changes with Increased Turbine Rotor Rim Seal Thickness
Taedoo Yoon, Seungyeong Choi, Taehyun Kim, Hee Seung Park, Hyung Hee Cho
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6108/KSPE.2022.26.1.038 |
7. p. 60 Behavioral Change of the Ultrasonic Standing Wave-affected Flame in the Reaction Zone of the Ultrasonically-atomized Kerosene Injected through a Slit-jet Nozzle
Chang Han Bae, Yun Hyeong Kang, Hyun Jong Ahn, Jeong Soo Kim
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6108/KSPE.2022.26.1.060 |
8. p. 68 A Study on the Development Process of the Liquid Rocket Engine for the Upper Stage of the Korea Space Launch Vehicle-II
Kyoun-Su Seo, Soon-Young Park, Chang-Ho Nam, Yoonwan Moon
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6108/KSPE.2022.26.1.068 |
9. p. 77 Mach 5 Performance Verification of Free-jet Type Ground Propulsion Test Facility for Scramjet Engine Intake Test
Yang Ji Lee, Inyoung Yang, Kyung Jae Lee, Jung Hwan Oh, Jin Choi
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6108/KSPE.2022.26.1.077 |
10. p. 88 A Study on the Flow Conditions of the Combustion Air Heater Outlet for the Supersonic Combustion Experiment
Eun Sung Lee, Hyung-Seok Han, Jae Hyuk Lee, Jeong-Yeol Choi
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6108/KSPE.2022.26.1.088 |