
Instructions to Authors


Transactions Template Author’s Checklist Copyright Transfer Agreement

Eligibility of Manuscript Contributors
The authors must adhere to the Transactions of the KSPE submission regulations and be a member of the KSPE

How to submit a manuscript
Click on “Author” on the left menu → Click “New submission”

Submission Fees

Publication Fees
All submitted manuscripts shall be reviewed according to the policy of the editorial board for publication by the KSPE. After the review is complete and the editorial board decides to “accept” the manuscript for publication, the manuscript shall be published in the order in which it was received. The author of the paper shall pay the publication charge.

Research with no assistance Research with assistance
Within 8 Page : 250,000 won/Basic Fee Within 8 Page : 300,000 won/Basic Fee
Excess Pages : 50,000 won/per page

Ownership of Submitted Manuscripts
Receipt of a manuscript by the KSPE does not guarantee publication. Manuscripts received by the KSPE shall be evaluated by the society’s editorial board. Necessary editorial measures, such as revisions, shall be taken. The decision regarding publication shall then be made. Submitted manuscripts, except those having received a “Reject” decision, shall become property of the KSPE.

The effective copyright date of manuscripts which have been accepted for publication by the editorial board and are published in the Transactions shall be the date of receipt of the manuscript.