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2. p. 12 Composite Solid Propellants for Propulsion System Including a Yellow Iron Oxide (2)
Sungjun Park, Kyungmin Kim, Jungho Park, Taeho Rho, Sunghan Choi
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6108/KSPE.2020.24.3.012 |
5. p. 41 Study on the Formulation of an Energetic Thermoplastic Propellant and its Properties(II)
Han-cheol Kim, Eui-Yong Park, Jea-Yun Jeong, Yoon-Gon Kim, Sung-han Choi, Tae-won Kang, Kyeong-won Oh
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6108/KSPE.2020.24.3.041 |