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1. p. 1 Aging of Solid Fuels Composed of Zr and ZrNi Part 1: Thermal/Chemical/Spectroscopic Analysis
Byungheon Han, Jihoon Ryu, Junho Yang, Juyoung Oh, K. Gnanaprakash, Jai-ick Yoh
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6108/KSPE.2020.24.2.001 |
2. p. 14 Aging of Solid Fuels Composed of Zr and ZrNi Part 2: Kinetics Extraction for Full Simulation
Byungheon Han, Yoonsik Park, K. Gnanaprakash, Jaeyong Yoo, Jai-ick Yoh
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6108/KSPE.2020.24.2.014 |
3. p. 28 The Relationship between Grain Design and Non-uniform Ablation of Solid Rocket Insulation
Jeongjin Kim, Jungseob Lee, Jungkun Jin, Dohyung Lee
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6108/KSPE.2020.24.2.028 |
8. p. 73 Technology Trends in Additively Manufactured Small Rocket Engines for Launcher Applications
Keum-Oh Lee, Byoungjik Lim, Dae-Jin Kim, Moongeun Hong, Keejoo Lee
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6108/KSPE.2020.24.2.073 |