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4. p. 25 Experimental Investigation on Combustion Performance of a Pintle Injector Engine with Double-row Rectangular Slot
Hobin Ryu, Isang Yu, Wanchan Kim, Donghae Shin, Youngsung Ko, Seonjin Kim
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6108/KSPE.2017.21.3.025 |
5. p. 34 Surface Tension Change of Simulant Gel Propellant according to the Metal Particle Addition
Kyehwan Kim, Sijin Kim, Seungjoo Han, Jinkon Kim, Heejang Moon
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6108/KSPE.2017.21.3.034 |
6. p. 41 Combustion Characteristics of a Gaseous Methane-Gaseous Oxygen Diffusion Flame Sprayed by a Shear Coaxial Injector
Joon Yeol Hong, Seong Hun Bae, Oh Chae Kwon, Jeong Soo Kim
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6108/KSPE.2017.21.3.041 |
8. p. 56 Improvement of Endothermic Characteristics with Catalyst Molding in Hypersonic Aircraft Cooling System
Dong Hun Hyeon, Tae Ho Lee, Sung Hyun Kim, Byung Hun Jeong, Jeong Sik Han
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6108/KSPE.2017.21.3.056 |
11. p. 76 Critical Design of Kerosene Filling System for KSLV-Ⅱ Launch Complex
Inseok Yeo, Sunil Kang, Jaechel An, Jaejun Lee, Jongweon Seo
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6108/KSPE.2017.21.3.076 |
12. p. 84 Study on the Performance Evaluation of the Explosive Bolt that has been Natural Aging
Dongjin Kim, Donghee Jeong, Yeungjo Lee, Youngwoo Lee
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6108/KSPE.2017.21.3.084 |